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Memoradum June, 26, 2006
To: Elgin Street Business Owners and Tenants
From: Brian Wm. Karam
Re: Elgin Area Business Association: EABA
Date: June 26, 2006

download the original memo here

Since 1985, the EABA has existed to assist us.  We are all so busy, that regular meetings have always proved impossible. The Internet and the recent establishment of our website at should ensure regular communication.  We have provided 2 copies of the enclosed form and this memo, in order that you may provide one copy to your landlord, if you are a tenant.  The form can be completed on-line or faxed to 613-232-5979 or dropped off at the front desk of The Business Inn. 

On our website, we have established a Trespass Notice form, which when completed by you and provided to any undesirable, ensures that such undesirable cannot lawfully enter your premises.  Your Trespass Notice power can also be delegated to our neighbourhood policing group (NPG).  The advantage of delegating this power to the NPG is that they will then have the power (received from you) to order an undesirable, off your premises permanently, instead of the NPG only having the power to arrest and charge on the basis of a criminal offence.  Notably, if any of us orders any undesirable off our premises, they simply go to our neighbour, which does nothing for Elgin Street;  however, if all of us were to each delegate this power to the NPG, (while at the same time also retaining such power), the NPG could exercise such power on our behalf and do so collectively.  The NPG would thereby have the delegated civil power to issue a single Trespass Notice, covering every establishment on Elgin Street.  The result would be that any undesirable would be off Elgin Street permanently.

There is nothing more frustrating to the NPG than to charge someone who has just instigated a fight and beat someone badly, only to have them acquitted on a technicality and right back on Elgin Street.  We can eliminate this frustration by delegating the broader civil power which we each have as business owners.  The unfortunate death of a 24 year old, at Elgin and Gladstone in the early hours of Sunday, June 25, 2006, may have been able to be avoided, if such delegated authority to the NPG had been in place.  I hope that every business on Elgin Street, sees fit to delegate this valuable policing tool to our NPG, as an indication of our support. 

Our NPG is there whenever we need them, always helping us out of difficult situations and we, as a demonstration of our support, should better equip them by delegating our civil authority to them.

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  • Bylaw Decision
    As outlined to the EABA membership, a recent decision of the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB), involving the appeal 595799 Ontario Limited, of provisions of the June 25, 2008 City of Ottawa (City) Comprehensive Zoning By-law No. 208-250 (CZB) is available for download: CBZ decision (PDF).
  • Memoradum June, 26, 2006
    To: Elgin Street Business Owners and Tenants
    From: Brian Wm. Karam
    Re: Elgin Area Business Association: EABA
    Date: June 26, 2006

Brian Wm. Karam
180 MacLaren St, Suite 1110
Ottawa, Ontario K2P 0L3
Phone: (613) 232-9911
Fax: (613) 232-5979