  • Trespass Authorization
Trespass to Property Authorization
The Trespass to Property Authorization authorizes the Ottawa Police Service to enforce the Trespass to Property Act for your establishment. If all Elgin area businesses delegate this power to the local policing group they could exercise this power collectively and issue a single Trespass to Property Notice for every establishment on Elgin Street. This presents a longer term solution than individual Trespass Notices which can prohibit an individual from lawfully entering a single property but does not keep this undesireable individual from entering a neighbour's property. It is our hope, that with cooperation from the local policing group, we can keep anti-social, disruptive, and violent persons off of Elgin Street entirely.


1. open the Trespass to Property Authorization form (Adobe Acrobat PDF document, click here if you do not have Acrobat Reader)

2. print, complete and sign the Trespass to Property Authorization form

3. fax the completed form to the Ottawa Police Service
Attention: Sergeants Chris McGuinness and Roland Campbell
Fax Number: (613) 760 8075
4. retain a copy for your records
  • Bylaw Decision
    As outlined to the EABA membership, a recent decision of the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB), involving the appeal 595799 Ontario Limited, of provisions of the June 25, 2008 City of Ottawa (City) Comprehensive Zoning By-law No. 208-250 (CZB) is available for download: CBZ decision (PDF).
  • Memoradum June, 26, 2006
    To: Elgin Street Business Owners and Tenants
    From: Brian Wm. Karam
    Re: Elgin Area Business Association: EABA
    Date: June 26, 2006

Brian Wm. Karam
180 MacLaren St, Suite 1110
Ottawa, Ontario K2P 0L3
Phone: (613) 232-9911
Fax: (613) 232-5979
Web: http://www.eaba.ca