- Permit collective representation by the property owners, professionals and merchants in the Elgin area to Federal, Provincial and Municipal authorities on issues which affect them.
- Enable individual property owners, professionals and merchants in the Elgin area to seek the collective support of their fellow property owners and merchants on development issues and ensure that if a development proposal is supported by the EBA, that such support is conformed to the relevant Federal, Provincial and Municipal authorities.
- When necessary hire competent legal, public relations and planning expertise on issues relating to the EBA and thereby permit costs to be shared and ensure that such costs are reasonable.
- Hire on a part time basis as required, support staff to arrange meetings, monitor legislation and Federal, Provincial and Municipal policies and keep the members of the EBA informed of same and when necessary on the instructions of the EBA call press conferences and distribute press releases and communicate with relevant Federal, Provincial and Municipal officials.
- Protect and in some cases re-instate property rights and property values negatively affected by economic and socially unjust legislation.
- Ensure effective Federal, Provincial and Municipal political representation for the ward and value for realty and business taxes.
- Identify and address issues of special concern of the EBA which may involve matters as broad as market development and business trends.
- Make constructive suggestions to the relevant Federal, Provincial and Municipal authorities in order to ensure proper, economic and realistic long-term planning.