  • Archived Materials

The EABA keeps a record of all memoranda, letters, articles and documents circulated or relevant to its members. For recent materials, please refer to these links: memoranda and articles.

Capital Pride Parade
August 2013
There will be street closures and a high impact to traffic from August 25 for the annual Capital Pride Parade and Festival. For more information download the attached letter (DOC).
Village Street Social
August 2013
There will be a street closure on Gilmour street between Bank Street and Derby Place on August 21 for the Village Street Social. For more information download the attached letter (DOC).
International Busker Festival
July 2013
There will be street closures and a medium impact to traffic from August 1 through August 5 for the annual International Busker Festival. For more information download the attached letter (DOC).
Canada Army Run
September 2009
There will be a event starting at approximately 8:00 a.m. and ending at approximately 1:00 p.m. on Sunday, September 10 2009 for the Canada Army Run. For more information download the attached letter (DOC).
AIDS Walk Ottawa
September 2009
There will be a event starting at approximately 7:00 p.m. and ending at approximately 10:00 p.m. on Saturday, September 19 2009 for the AIDS Walk Ottawa. For more information download the attached letter (DOC).
Pride Parade & Festival
August 2009

Elgin Street between Wellington Street and Laurier Avenue will be closed between 1:00pm and 3:00pm on Sunday, August 30 2009 for the annual Pride Parade & Festival.
For more information download the attached letter (DOC).

Product Demonstration
July 2009

There will be a sidewalk Product Demonstration near Elgin and Rideau on July 30th from noon until 5pm causing minor traffic delays.
For more information download the attached letter (DOC).

July 2009

The Military will be presenting Fortissimo on the lawn of Parliament causing street closures - August 5th - 9th.
For more information download the attached letter (DOC).

International Busker Festival
July 2009

Downtown street closures for the International Buskers Festival - July 30th to August 3rd.
For more information download the attached letter (DOC).

Canada Day
June 2009

Several downtown streets will be closed for Canada Day celebrations as well as an early closing time for the Rideau Centre.

For more information download here & here
Korean Veterans Ceremony
June 2009

Traffic lanes of Elgin Street adjacent to the War Memorial will be closed for the Annual National Capital Korean Veterans Association’s Commemoration Ceremony taking place June 28th between 10:00am and 12:00 noon.

For more information download the attached letter (DOC).
Ottawa International Jazz Festival
June 2009

Southbound Queen Elizabeth Driveway to Laurier westbound on-ramp between 6:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. each evening from Thursday, 25 June 2009 to Sunday, 5 July 2009, will be closed to facilitate the Ottawa International Jazz Festival taking place at Confederation Park.

For more information download the attached letter (DOC).
Chicken & Rib CookOff
June 2009

The east curb lane of O’Connor Street between Wellington Street and Sparks Street and the west curb lane of O’Connor Street between Sparks Street and Queen Street for the Sparks Street Mall will be closed for a Chicken & Rib Cookoff starting Wednesday June 24th.

For more information download the attached letter (DOC).
D-Day Parade & Ceremony
June 2009

High Traffic Impact 65th Anniversary of D-Day Parade & Ceremony - Saturday, 6 June 2009 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

For more information download the attached letter (DOC).
Breast Cancer Walk
May 2009

Weekend to End Breast Cancer walks will be taking place throughout Ottawa on Saturday June 6th and Sunday June 7th.

For more information download the attached letter (DOC).
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Results 1 - 15 of 63
  • Bylaw Decision
    As outlined to the EABA membership, a recent decision of the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB), involving the appeal 595799 Ontario Limited, of provisions of the June 25, 2008 City of Ottawa (City) Comprehensive Zoning By-law No. 208-250 (CZB) is available for download: CBZ decision (PDF).
  • Memoradum June, 26, 2006
    To: Elgin Street Business Owners and Tenants
    From: Brian Wm. Karam
    Re: Elgin Area Business Association: EABA
    Date: June 26, 2006

Brian Wm. Karam
180 MacLaren St, Suite 1110
Ottawa, Ontario K2P 0L3
Phone: (613) 232-9911
Fax: (613) 232-5979